
More than anything Darn Office is about elephants.
Yes, I am serious. It’ll make sense in a second, trust me. For once are elephants the largest land animals on earth and still they are easily startled by something as little as a mouse.  This makes them a good metaphor for us giving up for the dumbest reasons.

And there is also the Elephant in the room which is an “obvious major problem or issue that people avoid discussing or acknowledging” (Merriam-Webster). We often think addressing problems is bad. It is inconvenient and no one wants to ruin the party. Until these problems blow up to elephants. On the other hand, we often are actually unable to see them, because we either don’t know how or we are simply looking at them from the wrong perspective. Small changes can have big effects.

If you are wondering,  Darn Office is not about office tools, making money online, fitness consulting, social media marketing, or SEO optimization
…and it is not a productivity blog.

This site is about solving problems, learning to see things differently, and my continuous attempt to get better at… well… life. At the end of the day what most of us have in common, is the fear of living below our potential. Let’s not do that.

My Motivation

One could say I am a professional problem solver.  I’ve lived in Europe and the U.S. (where I currently reside) and my projects have taken me all over the world.  I’ve worked for and with so many companies that I am surprised how often I see the same patterns repeat.

Somehow they get stuck in their ways and as an entity seem blind to the reasons, although each employee knows what’s going on. I find this fascinating.

It’s of course all human nature. People work with people and somehow we are all more similar than we like. That’s why I think being an outlier is something to strive for.  An outlier who can break patterns. Because we can’t solve problems with the same methods that got us into the pickle in the first place. That is my motivation to write stuff that may make you stop and be like “Huh,  I’ll remember that.”

At Last

Everything I am writing is based on my experience and my beliefs but I do absolutely not claim to know it all or to have the only valid solution. The world is huge and so is the Internet. If you don’t like my style, or my ideas don’t work for you, then I am sure, you will find someone who gets you. But if you want to invest the energy, I am always happy to receive constructive comments and emails. I appreciate the effort.

Hey, and just call me Alex, alright?

It’s a pleasure to meet you.