Do I need to write a cover letter?

Cover letterAll the information is on my resume, do I really need to submit a cover letter?

 I don’t know what to write and am afraid to look weak  by sending a bad cover letter!

The application webpage offers the option to submit a cover letter, but it is not required. Do I still need to send one?

Via phone, LinkedIn, email, etc. I was asked to submit a resume. This doesn’t really call for a cover letter, right?

I need to write a cover letter?

The answer is simple and short. YES!

Here are some thoughts and I think even if only one of them applies it is worth considering writing a cover letter.

1) With too many applications to a position it may be necessary to do a pre-screening of all candidates before their applications are even read. The easiest criteria is completeness of application materials.

2) If the applicant doesn’t have the time or endurance to write a cover letter then who much does she really want the job? What does it say about her level of commitment when she is here?

3) The cover letter is your additional chance to point out why you think you are a good match for the job and/or to describe past achievements or skills you want to emphasize to your new employer.

4) Some jobs require a lot of written communication. The cover letter is a way for employers to see how well you are able to bring your point across.

5) If two candidates are head to head about who gets the interview, then all information is considered and a good cover letter can tip the scale.

6) Even if you met a hiring manager at a conference, LinkedIn or in any other informal situation and were asked to submit a resume even a short cover letter (email) can help to remind him of the occurrence and why he should consider you.

7) The more applicants have applied the more rounds of reviews are necessary before the number is small enough for interviews. Often the final decision is made in meetings where it really helps when there is something to distinguish the candidates from another.  “Bad grammar”, “Typo” , “Tiny print”, “ten pages”, and certainly “No cover letter” won’t make it far, but if there is something extraordinary about a candidate it is often the cover letter where that is noticed. And it sticks.


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February 10th, 2013|Tags: , , , |

Introduction to DO career section

Welcome to the new DarnOffice career section. Finding a new job is difficult. The road is long from overwhelming job search to multiple resume and cover letter designs over to frightening interviews and bargaining about benefits and salary before a new job is finally secured. In this section we would like to shed some light on questions we have asked ourselves in the past. Now you may wonder…


What do we even know?

I do not work in human resources (HR) – I want to make that clear from the start – but I happen to be in a position where form time to time I can decide who gets the new position. At the same time I am always on the lookout for a good career opportunity, which makes me a frequent job applicant myself. It is always good to assess your value on the job market and keep your irons in the fire even if you are not in the immediate need of a new job. This can be helpful when your current position is on question or you planning to ask for a raise.

Being in the position to decide who gets the job I realize a lot of  the errors I made in the past when I applied for jobs. The worst of them was being afraid.

Many routes will lead you to your next job and the only person in the way of it is you.  The job exists that fits your experience and personality. All you need to do is shine and know who you are. When you think you need to be someone you are not for a position, then it is simply not the right job for you.


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February 10th, 2013|
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