Windows ALT Codes – How to write symbols, hearts, arrows and more

Have you ever wondered how to write the Celsius degree symbol ° or how you can write these accents above vowels like é, è, ê, etc? Do I spell it naïve or naive? Both can be used (see Merriam Webster) but it seems the “naive” is used most of the time. Maybe because the ï is nowhere to be found on the keyboard. You can use the Windows ALT codes below to write all these special characters and more.


Three digit Alt codes

These alt codes are different in that they only require to key in the code as shown.
e.g. ALT + 3 gives ♥ (no need to type zeros).

How to use the 3 digit codes

With the cursor at the position where you want to insert the special character press ALT and type the code on the numeric key pad.
Example: for ♥ you press: ALT + 3

There are some things to note:

  • Num Lock must be turned on. Activate by pressing the NUM LOCK key. A light will indicate that it is on. Without activated Num lock you may e.g. cause your browser to go to the previous page.
  • this works only with the numeric key pad. If you have a laptop you can try to copy paste the symbols from this page
  • works only with the left ALT key when you have the international keyboard activated
Symbol Code Symbol Code
1 ü 129
2 é 130
3 â 131
4 ä 132
5 à 133
6 å 134
7 ç 135
8 ê 136
9 ë 137
10 è 138
11 ï 139
12 î 140
13 ì 141
14 Ä 142
15 Å 143
16 É 144
17 æ 145
18 Æ 146
19 ô 147
20 ö 148
§ 21 ò 149
22 û 150
23 ù 151
24 ÿ 152
25 153
26 Ü 154
27 ¢ 155
28 £ 156
29 ¥ 157
30 158
31 ƒ 159
32 á 160
! 33 í 161
34 ó 162
# 35 ú 163
$ 36 ñ 164
% 37 Ñ 165
& 38 ª 166
39 º 167
( 40 ¿ 168
) 41 169
* 42 ¬ 170
+ 43 ½ 171
, 44 ¼ 172
45 ¡ 173
. 46 « 174
/ 47 » 175
0 48 176
1 49 177
2 50 178
3 51 179
4 52 180
5 53 181
6 54 182
7 55 183
8 56 184
9 57 185
: 58 186
; 59 187
< 60 188
= 61 189
> 62 190
? 63 191
@ 64 192
A 65 193
B 66 194
C 67 195
D 68 196
E 69 197
F 70 198
G 71 199
H 72 200
I 73 201
J 74 202
K 75 203
L 76 204
M 77 205
N 78 206
O 79 207
P 80 208
Q 81 209
R 82 210
S 83 211
T 84 212
U 85 213
V 86 214
W 87 215
X 88 216
Y 89 217
Z 90 218
[ 91 219
\ 92 220
] 93 221
^ 94 222
_ 95 223
` 96 α 224
a 97 ß 225
b 98 Γ 226
c 99 π 227
d 100 Σ 228
e 101 σ 229
f 102 µ 230
g 103 τ 231
h 104 Φ 232
i 105 Θ 233
j 106 Ω 234
k 107 δ 235
l 108 236
m 109 ë 237
n 110 ε 238
o 111 239
p 112 240
q 113 ± 241
r 114 242
s 115 243
t 116 244
u 117 245
v 118 ÷ 246
w 119 247
x 120 ° 248
y 121 249
z 122 250
{ 123 251
| 124 252
} 125 ² 253
~ 126 254
127 255
Ç 128

Four digit Alt codes

How to use the four digit Alt codes

With the cursor at the position where you want to insert the special character press ALT and type the code on the numeric key pad.
Example: for ® you press: ALT + 0174

There are some things to note:

  • Num Lock must be turned on. Activate by pressing the NUM LOCK key. A light will indicate that it is on. Without activated Num lock you may e.g. cause your browser to go to the previous page.
  • this works only with the numeric key pad. If you have a laptop you can try to copy paste the symbols from this page
  • works only with the left ALT key when you have the international keyboard activated
  • you need to include all numbers of the code. If there is a zero then you have to type it



A based

Capital Code Small Code
À 0192 à 0224
Á 0193 á 0225
 0194 â 0226
à 0195 ã 0227
Ä 0196 ä 0228
Å 0197 å 0229
Æ 0198 æ 0230


E based

Capital Code Small Code
È 0200 è 0232
É 0201 é 0233
Ê 0202 ê 0234
Ë 0203 ë 0235


I based

Capital Code Small Code
Ì 0204 ì 0236
Í 0205 í 0237
Î 0206 î 0238
Ï 0207 ï 0239


O based

Capital Code Small Code
Ò 0210 ò 0242
Ó 0211 ó 0243
Ô 0212 ô 0244
Õ 0213 õ 0245
Ö 0214 ö 0246
Ø 0216 ø 0248


U based

Capital Code Small Code
Ù 0217 ù 0249
Ú 0218 ú 0250
Û 0219 û 0251
Ü 0220 ü 0252


 other letters

Capital Code Small Code
Ç 0199 ç 0231
Œ 0140 œ 0156
Ð 0208 ð 0240
Ñ 0209 ñ 0241
Þ 0222 þ 0254
ß 0223
Š 0138 š 0154
Ý 0221 ý 0253
Ÿ 0159 ÿ 0255
Ž 0142 ž 0158


Symbol Description Code
¢ cent 0162
Euro 0128
ƒ Florin 0131
£ Pound 0163
¥ Yen 0165

Math Symbols

Symbol Code
¼ 0188
½ 0189
¾ 0190
÷ 0247
± 0177



Symbol Code
¡ 0161
¿ 0191
« 0171
» 0187
¤ 0164
° 0176
© 0169
® 0174
¬ 0172
§ 0167

If you find these Alt codes useful please leave a comment!