Why the First Step to Peace of Mind Starts with B

Simple truths are universal. And simple truths are obvious. This one is almost too simple to state, but not bringing it up at times would be a shame.

The B-word is Buffer.

You can guess that I am not talking about the app, but about the concept of buffers.

It is an old and universal concept to save some extra resources “for just in case”. It doesn’t mean you are a pessimist or an under-achiever if you plan for the unexpected. You are a smart realist, because you know things never go as planned.

You probably think while reading this “Of course, every kid knows that”. Knowing and doing are commonly two things, and I admit I often suffer under the superman delusion myself. Those are the moments when I think I can do everything, all the time, with 100% efficiency. Well, I cannot. (more…)