More than 50! – Extensive List of Web Hosting Sites

Are you looking for web hosting sites that are able to match your needs? When I was looking for a site to host DarnOffice I searched for “web hosting sites” and noticed that most of the listings or reviews that came up mostly only listed the same ten sites. These ten may be the best web hosts on the internet, but how do I know that all these listings and reviews are independent and unbiased?

The internet is so huge and I like to consider all my options. This is why I went far beyond the first ten Google pages to find my hosting provider. As a result, I present you this list of more than 50 possible candidates. Make your own decision and take the time to compare. The cheapest price is not the only criteria. Read the fine print and if possible try looking into the support forums. They give a great impression of how responsive the staff is.

The market is fierce and full of competition so chances are good you find exactly what you are looking for. This list is purposely in no particular order. I am happy to include more hosts over time. Please leave a comment or contact me. If you are curious which web hosting provider I ended up using, then you can check my resources page. (more…)